Merito Flagship Showroom - Tehran

Merito flagship showroom was inaugurated on 15 Aban 1402. Located on the first floor of 42 Farmanieh Avenue in Tehran, our flagship room is a premium place for our customers to explore our products and know more about the world of Merito.

The showroom’s interior was designed by Shahrooz Zomorrodi & Associates who brought a contemporary feel to it and helped create a calm yet inviting place. The showroom’s environment is also enhanced by thoughtfully designed environmental graphics that add character to the places while also providing information to visiting customers.

Here, you can find an array of slabs from our current collection. Our staff and sales assistants will provide everything you need to know about porcelain tiles, ensuring your purchasing process is as informative and joyful as possible. 

Our flagship room on Farmanieh Avenue is the first of a series of showrooms that are planning to open in the near future. So stay tuned for more news about our showrooms.